What You Need to Know About Liposuction

Liposuction, which is a frequently preferred application among regional slimming methods, is the process of removing the existing fat tissue for people who have problems with fat in certain areas. The word liposuction, which has always been popular among aesthetic applications from the past to the present, is formed from the combination of the words “Lipo” fat and “Suction” suction, and is defined as “Fat Absorption”. The purpose of the application is to give the body a more aesthetic appearance and to remove excess fat from the areas where the patient is uncomfortable. The application can be preferred in many areas where fat is seen in the body, especially in areas such as the hips, hips, waist and abdomen.

In the liposuction method, the process of pulling the adipose tissue with a vacuum device is applied. It is performed under general anesthesia. During the application, the fat tissues are vacuumed through thin cannulas by opening small incisions and removed from the body. Liposuction is performed to remove regional adipose tissue caused by weight gain. This procedure both increases the self-confidence of the patients in front of the mirror and improves the quality of life of the person. The application can be applied to anyone who has a disproportionate increase in body fat. Some tests may be required to detect health problems before the procedure. Liposuction is not preferred for women who are pregnant or have just given birth.

Which areas can liposuction be applied to?

Liposuction can be applied to many areas where regional lubrication problem occurs. Liposuction can be performed on all areas such as belly, upper arm, neck, inner and outer thighs, especially abdomen, hips, waist, which are among the most common areas of lubrication. The types and techniques of the application are based on the characteristics of the devices used in the operation;

Laser assisted liposuction (LAL)
Power device liposuction (PAL)
Classical liposuction (without device assistance)
Varieties such as Vaser assisted liposuction (VAL) can be mentioned.

The method called “Wet Technique” or “Tumescent Technique” is generally used for the process. This method is to fill the fat cells in the area with a liquid and inflate them. The liquid contains substances with properties such as Lidocaine (pain reliever) and Adrenaline (stopping bleeding). After the swelling of the cells is completed, the fat cells are reached through incisions made on the skin. In this process, the vacuum process made through thin-ended pipes is used and the absorption of unwanted oil is made possible.

Preparation before liposuction

There are some procedures that patients should know and apply in the preparation phase before the surgery;

The drugs used by the patient should be reported to the relevant specialist in full,
Detailed information about the health history should be shared with the relevant specialist,
Smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped 2 weeks ago,
Before the procedure, the nutrition program recommended by the specialist should be applied.

It is possible to remove a high percentage of adipose tissue with the application. An average of 8-10 kilos of fat is removed from the body in one session. However, such a high fat intake is not recommended in terms of causing a deterioration in body balance. Generally, it is preferred to take a maximum of 2/3 of the existing oil amount. You must be over the age of 18 to have liposuction. Persons under the age of 18 are also suitable candidates for the procedure, if they get approval from their families. It can be applied to anyone who does not have any health problems. It is sufficient for the patient to be uncomfortable with the fat ratio and to be suitable for surgery.

How long does the recovery process take after liposuction?

Complete recovery after surgery can take up to 1 month. Generally, the return of patients to their normal life cycles varies between 10-15 days. During this period, the patient’s performing the applications recommended by the specialist will accelerate the healing process. In all surgeries with incisions, a small scar remains. However, it is possible that the track will lose its former visibility in the future. The smaller the incision, the less visible the scar will be.

It is now very easy to perform the liposuction process by our professional team using the latest technology devices. In addition to the high level of training our physicians receive, you can benefit from liposuction prices such as 3000/3500 euro. But it should not be forgotten that in some cases, these prices may fluctuate. For this reason, it is of great importance that you contact Magic Touch Turkey and get detailed information from our professional team.

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